
Photo de Danny Postma sur Unsplash

Its been a while since I posted over here at and that’s OK since I am genuinely a tiny bit busy. Wild how I went from burnt out and over it at the end of 2022, to desperately poor in 2023, then epically busy in 2024.

Today I’m like, I should really exit the grind set mindset and just vibe. Anyways, I’ve created a new company logo for my project and I’m writing the copy on the website I barely touch

Next week I have two big things to do, the first is get my contract switched over to a yearly renewal and the second is having the meeting to start my salary in October. That’s pretty much it for the moment.

Anyways, enjoy some photos from the château we went to for an off-site.

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MC WTF email and why the new internet is shit

Photo de Etienne Girardet sur Unsplash

I’m kind of making a sleep deprived decision but since the financial situation is “fixed”, I’m moving’s email back to Nubo and figuring out what I do with the BBS mail. I’m struggling a bit with the infra and this is the main problem.

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Fuckin McZucken

I’ve discovered that Zuckbook has been leetching bandwith at an insane rate, can’t stop it with robots.txt so just had to get brutal with .htaccess. Took money out of my pocket because they can’t (or won’t) fix their shit or are just stealing shit online for AI

It turns out I found out something worse which to be fair I shouldn’t be surprised by, Facebook is knowingly being used as a DDoS vector and by the lack of responses on the dev forums, really don’t give a shit about it.

Initally I thought it might have been some AI shit, but no, plain old Big Tech not giving a fuck and damaging the internet for reasons question-mark-question-mark.

The clue to this is how fast I’m burning through credit with Bunny, I expected an initial peak from relaunching Plume instance. That started to drop off, but then this exposed that FB’s crawler was far too interested with photos. I did a search and voilà, this has been a problem for over 4 years.

Once I started to implement the not very easy task of blocking FB from Crawling, which it is still doing even with a 403 error on everything, I started to see the control checks in the logs of whoever is running the hit. Not sure why they are, this isn’t an old domain, nobody (except Kapitalistenschweines) I have really offended. But hey it’s the Internet® by GAFAM℠ who fucking knows why this shit is running.

So there you go, unless your website depends on Facebook (which if your ability to live exists in the hands of these clowns, you’re already fucked), just go block the User-Agent facebookexternalhit

Edit : to give you some context, this is what thier DDoS machine was sucking in per day before more drastic actions were taken to stop it. At those rates it is 152GB a week in non-genuine traffic that comes with a real financial cost.

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Got no brainz, just brain dead

Photo de Henrik L. sur Unsplash

This is the only problem working five days a week, eight hours a day – no room for creativity. I find myself at the end of the day just too brain dead to make magic with code, write a blog post, or just do something stupid with a server.

I think the closest thing I’ve done was install an opt-out script for Matomo, which if you don’t want to be a part of my stats and for some reason don’t have Do Not Track set in your browser. You can deal with that in the Mentions Légales.

Other than that, I had a laugh at the LR for collapsing in on itself because that’s what the right are good at.

If you’re not in to French politics, you should get into it. The conservative party leader has been thrown out, but not before locking himself in the office and screaming that he’s not fired after he got fired.

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Working my way back

Photo de Florian Krumm sur Unsplash

After my little success with earlier, I decided that I sufficiently hate myself enough to try and expand this project. When I say expand, I mean fully deep in this affair to create myself even more problems than I actually need.

Using the same principal I did with running over to /ohmg/ from, I used some creative edge rules on the CDN to bring in two other subdomains hosted elsewhere under the same domain, as well as slip in one of the buckets on Storj I previously served from

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I did a stupid thing and it kind of works !

Photo de Grant Beirute sur Unsplash

This morning, well perhaps more afternoon, when I was being bored with my choice of inactivity, I decided that I’d take my perfectly functional website and really fuck my day right up.

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kang chuck

Sunday Not So Funday

Photo de Thanos Pal sur Unsplash

Monday is my new reality so everything else needs to be relegated off to days off and trying to muster the energy after getting home between 19h-20h on Weekdays. The only thing I miss about being Funemployed is the time to focus on my own activities and not that of chasing funding to focus on my activities.

I’m still checking up on the domain and quite frankly I’m not waiting for CIRA to get on with things in case they decide to piss through my money and delete this domain again.

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Two Posts in One Day ?!

Photo de Fab Lentz sur Unsplash

I know I know, this really could have been a toot, but I’m so excited about the minor effort I put into this.

First thing I did was get around to fixing some of the redirect issues on, you see the site has bounced around a couple times and with the host in the UK things were good.

As a part of being an idiot, I moved it off to a self-hosted server, but what I didn’t realise is that the UK host was being a bit too strict with bot blocking. Unfortunately it blocked the Internet Archive

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